Established in 1967, Local 946 has a membership that spans the entire Province of New Brunswick, representing Operating Engineers in the Construction Industry.
As the Local has progressed through the years it has continually ensured that its members are protected and strongly represented.
We work with Employers to:
-Build trust in the work place.
-Maintain respective reputations within the Industry.
-Build a highly, qualified skilled team of workers.
-Reduce conflict in the work place.
-Improve safety practices.
-Increase productivity.
-Reduce absences and turnover.
As a Union we do the following for our members:
*Negotiate and enforce contracts
*Settle your grievances and job site problems
*Dispatch workers to job sites
*Ensure jobs belonging to engineers are staffed by engineers.
*Sponsor and maintain benefit plans:
-Health Insurance
-Life Insurance
-Pension for retirees and disabled
-and other benefits
*Keep you informed, hold meetings once a month
*Act in your interest with the community as well as the management
Keys to being a good union member:
*Be a productive and efficient worker.
*Produce the highest-quality work as possible.
*Arrive at work on time and work all hours asked of you.
*Call in to the job site if you must be late or absent.
*Look presentable and act professional on the job site.
*Follow your union contract.
*Adhere to the contractor’s rules and regulation on the job; the contractor is your employer.
*Respect your fellow workers and help them achieve a safe, secure workplace.
*Participate in skill-upgrade classes and utilize training centers to develop and keep your skills at the highest level.
*Know your union hiring hall, dispatch system, or how to get a job if you are laid off. Make sure your telephone number and address are up to date.
*Hold your union in the highest regard.
*Know how to contact your job steward and or your business manager or local union for answers to questions or help with problems.
*Attend your local union meetings. This is the place to get information on your union.
*Be an active citizen and an informed voter.
-Collective Bargaining
-Fair contract for employment (for workers & employers).
-Safety in the workplace.
-Improved wage package.
-Health Benefits.
-Defined Contribution Pension.
-Training and skills upgrading.
-Representation if you have a dispute with your employer.
-Experienced, dedicated, fair representation.
Health & Wellness & Pension:
Great West Life
Arranged and administered by
Belmont Financial Group
133 Prince William Street, Suite 605
Saint John, NB, E2L 2B5
You can contact IUOE, Local 946 by email, phone, or by visiting us in person.
341 King William Road
Saint John, NB
E2M 7C9
(506) 635 1110
Business Manager:
Darren Nason
(506) 651-5031
Curtis Rodgers
(506) 643-0141
Office Manager:
Theresa McDonald
(506) 635-1110
Hours of operation:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am to 4:30 pm
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